HealthLINE is happy to provide current members mentorship opportunities! The HealthLINE mentorship program offers new librarians as well as seasoned librarians the opportunity to grow by building lasting relationships. Whether you’re seeking a mentor or you’d like to offer your expertise and assistance to others, HealthLINE encourages librarians of all levels to be a part of this program. The mentorship program offers an opportunity to learn from each other. Our objective is to pair librarians together offering supportive relationships that will enable career success.
Mentorship can be a rewarding venture for both parties involved. The mentor and mentee set the pace of the partnership. Meetings can be setup in person, you can chat via phone or email, you decide what works best. The amount of time invested in the venture is decided by the pair. We realize that as professionals our schedules can be busy, so it will be up to you to discuss this with your assigned partner. The committee will make the initial introduction between the pair through email leaving the rest up to you. As an added benefit, mentors are able to gain points towards MLA AHIP certification requirements.
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