Press Release:
Date: January 17, 2013
HealthLINE Announces Librarian of the Year 2012
HealthLINE is excited to announce that Jon Crossno from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center has been named HealthLINE’s Librarian of the Year for 2012.
The LOTY Award is the highest honor HealthLINE can bestow on a member. The purpose of this award is to recognize the contributions of a member who has demonstrated significant accomplishments in medical librarianship. Special consideration is given to accomplishments either in the recipient’s home library or that directly benefit HealthLINE and its members.
Crossno, known throughout MLA’s South Central Chapter as its President for 2011-12, has just completed a 3-year rotation through HealthLINE’s executive offices. During that time he modernized and streamlined HealthLINE’s inner workings, developing computer programs to handle electronic voting and interlibrary loan statistical reporting, both of which had previously been done in print. He also coordinated a panel discussion on opportunities in medical librarianship that included graduate school professors and the President of MLA.
HealthLINE is the Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, organization of health science librarians and libraries, with members representing medical and allied health schools, hospitals and health-related companies and associations throughout the DFW Metroplex.

Jon Crossno
Contact: Mary Peters, Past Chair