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Texas Scottish Rite Medical Library journal titles available until October 2, 2015

09/16/2015 12:26 PM | Jane Scott (Administrator)

Texas Scottish Rite Medical Library has the following to offer for the cost of postage (reimbursing in stamps is ok, prefer check for large amounts – but EFTS is even better!).

They will be available through Oct. 2, 2015. Ask if you don’t see the issue you want of one of these titles!

Mary Peters, Medical Library Manager
Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children
2222 Welborn St.
Dallas, TX 75219-3993

Journals – loose issues (scattered issues for all journals unless specific issues noted)


·         American Journal of Managed Care, v14, #8 (August 2008)

·         American Journal On Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities v.114, no.1,2,3,4, January 2009

·         American Journal On Mental Retardation v.109, no.1,6,4, November 2004; v. 110, no.2,3,6, May 2005; v.111, no.1,4,5,6, January 2006; v. 112, no.6, 401-476, November 2007; v. 113, no. 1,3,4, July 2008

·         Archives of Neurology: v69, #1-2, 2012, January-February

·         Arthritis Care & Research, v 1, 8, 11, 12, 13, (scattered issues)

·         Children’s Health Care v.17, #1, 1996 Summer,v.23, #1 1994 Winter,

·         Clinical Biomechanics v.4-21; May,1989 – 2006 ( Scattered Issues )

·         Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, v473, #1 (2015 January)

·         Clinical Pediatrics v.41 no.2-4, & 6-8;v.42 no. 7,8;v.44 no.3,5,7 March 2001-44, 73-203;369-549, September 2005 (Scattered Issues)

·         Clinical Symposia:, scattered issues

·         Computers in Nursing, v 17, #6 (1999), v18, #1-2 (2000)

·         Continuum: Lifelong Learning in Neurology, v13 #2 (April 2007)

·         Current Opinion in Genetics and Development, v1 (1991) – v18 (2008) (scattered issues)

·         Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology v.42,2000-56,2014 (Scattered Issues)

·         Foot & Ankle, v35 (2014)

·         Frontiers of Health Services Management: v 15-18 (scattered issues)

·         Healthcare Leadership Review v.32, 2013; v.33, no. 1-7, Jan-Jul 2014

·         Hospital Pediatrics, v2, #3, 2012, July

·         Infants and Young Children, v13 #4 (2001) and v14, #3 (2002)

·         Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities v.45,2007-47,2009 (Scattered Issues)

·         Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities v. 45, no.4-6, 227-365, August 2007; v.46, no.2-4, 93-267, April 2008; v.47, no. 1,2,6, February 2009

·         Imagine the Developmental Disabled And Mentally Retarded v.9, no.1; 1-60, February, 2003

·         JAMA: v311, #1-7, 2014

·         Journal Of The American Academy Of Orthopedic Surgeons v.11,14,16,22; December 2003-14 (Scattered Issues )

·         Journal Of Biomechanics v.33,35,37-39; April,2000 – 2005 ( Scattered Issues )

·         Journal Of Bone and Joint Surgery v. 3,11,83,88-93, 95-96 ; March 1995-December 2014 (Scattered Issues )

·         Journal of Child Neurology: v 29, 2014

·         Journal of Children’s Orthopaedics: v. 4-5, 2010-2011

·         Journal Of Medicine and Philosophy v.28, no.4,5,6, 399-682, December 2003; v.29, no.3,5,6, December 2004

·         Journal Of Transcultural Nursing v.13-19; January 2002-October 2008 ( Scattered Issues )

·         LPN: Journal for Excellence in Practical Nursing , v1 (2005) – v5 (2009), scattered issues

·         Making the Rounds in Health, Faith and Ethics , v1 (1996)

·         Medical Genetics Review v3 (2004) – v7 (2008)

·         Medicine on the Net: v20, #4, 2014, April

·         Mental Retardation v.39, no.2,4, August 2001; v.40, no.2, April 2002; v.42, no.4,6, August 2004; v.43, no. 2,3,5, April 2005

·         Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews v.1, no. 3,4; v.2, no.1,3,4; v.3, no.1,3; v.4, no.2-4; v.5, no.2,3,4; v.6, no 2-4; v.7, no.1,2,4; 1995-2005 ( Scattered Issues ),

·         Modern Healthcare, v44, 2014 (scattered issues)

·         MRDD Research Reviews: Rett Syndrome v.8, no. 2; 59-112, Summer 2002

·         MRDD Research Reviews: Prematurity v.8, no. 3,4; 113-310, Summer 2002

·         MRDD An Update on Autism Research v.10, no. 4, 2004

·         MRDD Neurodevelopmental Assessment of the Fetus and Young Infant v.11, no. 1, 2005

·         Nature Genetics v.8-10,12-25,29,31-34,36; 1994-2004 ( Scattered Issues )

·         Nature Medicine v.1-13; January 1995 – January 2007 ( Scattered Issues )

·         Nature Insight ( Reprinted from v.400-432 ); 2000-2001 ( Scattered Issues )

·         Nature Neuroscience v.2,4,8,9; 1999 – 2006 ( Scattered Issues )

·         Neurology, v43,#4,  supplement 2, 1993 April

·         Neuron v.45-49; March, 2005 – February 2006 ( Scattered Issues )

·         Neurorehabilitation & Neural Repair, v23, #5, v25, #3 & #7, v27, #6

·         Nursing & Economics, v33 #1 2015 January/February

·         Pediatric Neurosurgery, v39 #4, October 2003

·         Pediatric Physical Therapy v. 21, no. 1-4, Spring 2009-21,Winter 2009

·         Pediatrics v.107, 2001 – v.126, 2010 (scattered issues)  

·         Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism, v24:2, 1994 October

·         Seminars in Pediatric Neurology v.2-v.11; 1995 – 2004 ( Scattered Issues )

·         Spine v.25,35,38-40; March, 2000 - January, 2014 ( Scattered Issues )

·         Spine Journal: v 14, #10-12,

·         Spine Deformity, v1 (2013) – v2 , #2 (2014, March)


Journals – bound volumes

·         American Journal of Diseases of Children v.143, 1989.

·         Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, v 131 (1978), v139 (1979), v181 (1983), v219(1987)

·         Current Orthopaedics, v1-12 (bound)

·         Instructional Course Lectures v.XLI,XXXII,48,51,55; 1992-2006

·         Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery v.77B-79B,80B,81B; 1995-1999

·         Journal Of The American Academy Of Orthopedic Surgeons v.9; 2001

·         Journal of Rheumatology (lots of older volumes, let me know what you need)

·         Nature Neuroscience v.1-7,1998-2004

·         Rheumatic Disease Clinics v.35: 1-4; 2009

·         Spine, V 39, Jan-June 2014


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