Institutional membership is open to health sciences and other special libraries in the north Texas area which:
- Submit a written petition for initial membership and/or when requesting a change in membership status.
- Submit a Memorandum of Understanding signed initially by the Library Manager and by the individual to whom the Library Manager reports and signed annually thereafter by the Library Manager.
- Attend a minimum of one (1) HealthLINE meeting per year in person or by electronic participation.
- Submit a complete and up-to-date holdings list of those journal and serials maintained by the library at the time of application for Provisional Membership.
- Provide updated journal holdings information at the call of an officer.
- Provide free interlibrary loan on a reciprocal basis with all members.
- Receive a minimum of 25 journal titles.
- Maintain a minimum of five (5) years backfiles.
- Operate regularly scheduled hours under the direction of a Library Manager whose duties include responsibility for the library.
- Comply with the terms of the ALA national ILL code.
- Maintain statistics on interlibrary loan transactions with other HealthLINE Institutional Members and submit these statistics at the call of an officer.
- Make available a list of excess journals or serial titles to other member libraries before final disposition.
There are two levels of institutional membership: full and provisional. Full members will designate a representative who is eligible to vote in HealthLINE elections, hold office, and serve on and chair committees. Provisional members will designate a representative who may only vote and serve on committees; these representatives may not chair committees or hold elected office.
For more information, please contact